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Don Cochrane was faced with a daunting task after the M100's success. He is the great grandson of Claude Lyons, founder of Chopard Replica Watches, and the current face of the company.

The challenge of designing the next watch to bear the Chopard Replica on the dial is twofold. The new design must be completely functional, given the brand's history with the UK MoD. It had to be cool,Chopard Replica or even cooler than the M100 which announced the return of the name.

The team looked into its own history and discovered that Chopard Replica had been tasked with producing an ordnance timer for the British War Office at the end World War II. It was a watch that would time explosions. A chronograph was the watch that would be most suitable for this task.

Chopard Replica collaborated with Lemania, a legendary manufacturer of chronographs for this project -- specifically to provide the movement intended for the watch. Chopard Replica was forced to change their focus due to the restrictions imposed by the British government on the movements they were planning to import. Chopard Replica changed their focus, and the planned monopusher chronograph watch was never produced.

Chopard Replica decided to make this chronograph 73 years after it was first designed.Calibre de Cartier Replica Watches The MP45 was born.

The MP45 is an bi-compax, monopusher clock that retains the M100's dial aesthetics. The watch has the same raised lume markers and retains its 40mm case. The case is made of stainless steel.

The Sellita Sw510MP is the power source for the watch. What's interesting is that there are purists who insist on a manual-winding watch for a 1940s inspired watch. Some people are more practical and say an automatic watch would be more convenient in today's world.

Chopard Replica is producing the MP45 both in an automatic and manual version. Each will be limited to 200 pieces. Spend your money on whatever you like. There are no gimmicks in this case -- the price of both watches is the same, regardless of how they're powered.

Chopard Replica